Health Insurance For Folks With Pre-Existing Conditions

If you have a pre-existing condition finding health insurance can be difficult. Many insurance companies deny health coverage to anyone who has had a major medical condition in or has an existing medical condition. So how do you get health coverage in Chicago if you have a medical condition? Let’s discuss the options one by one.Employer Sponsored Group Health PlansThis may be the best option for getting an health benefits if you have a pre-existing condition. Group plans must accept everyone in the group for coverage, regardless of medical history. Many times group health Insurance premiums are subsidized by the employer, making the premiums more affordable. If you are leaving a company you may qualify for COBRA which will extend your health benefits for up to 18 months. COBRA premiums can be too expensive, especially if you are unemployed, because the company does not continue to pay a portion of the premium. If you lose your job in 2009 the federal government will pay 65% of your COBRA premium for up to 9 months. This can make COBRA premiums affordable, however after nine months the government subsidy ends and you have to pay the entire premium.Higher Deductible Major Medical Health PlansIt has been my experience the Illinois health insurance companies are more willing to except applicants with certain pre-existing medical conditions if the health plan being applied for has a higher deductible. You are better off applying for a $5,000 deductible Health Savings Account plan than applying for a $500 deductible copay plan if you have medical conditions. This tactic has helped some folks with medical conditions get health coverage. However, if you have high risk medical condition like HIV, Diabetes, or a major heart condition you will not be accepted for major medical insurance, even on a high deductible plan.Limited Benefit Illinois Health PlansThere are a number of companies selling health insurance in Chicago that are guaranteed issued. This means they accept all applicants regardless of medical history. Limited benefit health plans are not major medical insurance, but defined benefit plans that offer less comprehensive coverage. When an employer group plan is not available these health plans can provide coverage against catastrophic health care bills. Some of the limited benefit health plans being sold in Chicago are not a good value because the benefits are very poor in relation to the costs. Before applying for a limited benefit plan make sure you read the plan outline carefully and understand what is covered, and what medical expenses you are responsible for.ICHIP – Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance PlanThe ICHIP plan is run by the State of Illinois to offer health insurance for folks in Chicago that don’t qualify for traditional health plans. ICHIP uses the BlueCross BlueShield of IL PPO network. The coverage is better than the limited benefit health plans, unfortunately the premiums are usually at least 50% higher. For younger folks with pre-existing conditions this may the best available option. For folks in the higher age brackets the premiums are typically too high to be considered affordable.

How Automotive GPS Systems Work

In recent times driving has become all the more simpler and exciting with the use of navigation systems such as automotive GPS systems. The time where you worried about getting to your intended destination is long gone because the automotive GPS system ensures that you get to your destination in due course without roaming about aimlessly and straying from your intended course. Honda was the first vehicle company to create the automotive navigation system as far back as the early 1980′s, at that time a device known as an accelerometer was used in order to determine precise locations as the means to use GPS systems weren’t available. Nowadays you have a lot of popular vendors selling automotive GPS systems as well as other navigation systems and you are free to make an independent choice.For those who have no detailed understanding of how automotive GPS systems work, they should understand that these systems make use of satellite signals in order to determine the precise location of a vehicle. Not all automotive navigation systems make use of GPS technology and certain differences exist with other GPS systems that use data on your precise position to superimpose it on a map and determine your particular location.Different aspects make up a complete navigation system. These different components are the aerial view of the map which changes according to the motion of the vehicle; this component is easily the most crucial component, distance gauge, distance numbers as well as the next curves bird’s eye view in order to protect you from harm.Navigation systems make use of road databases which contain a complete listing of the names and addresses of different locations which are stored as geographical coordinates. Any information that requires updating is supplied through internet technology as the vehicles moves from one particular location to the other. It also has a vector map of a particular area which ensures that it is easy to find a person or business if you have their particular name or address.Databases which are employed in such systems can be easily kept on storage media such as hard disks or by using certain memory known as read only memory. Read only memory comes directly programmed from a factory or stored on other optical storage media devices such as CD’s and DVDs. Base maps are usually stored constantly in the memory of the device because they don’t change. The base maps are used to provide precise and accurate information about any current location that a user may find themselves in or which they may be interested in. Systems exist which allow for a combination of all these elements.History has it that the navigation system that was primarily created to function with GPS was developed by Pioneer in the year 1990. Nowadays GPS navigation systems have come a very long way. You can use them not only to determine your location but to locate other essential services such as gas stations, restaurants and motels. Auxiliary functions which include messaging capabilities and the ability to watch DVD’s may also come included.

Pregnancy Nutrition Guidelines For A Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy nutrition guidelines are necessary for pregnant women. It’s true that during this time, you need just 300 calories extra daily. However, they should not be empty calories. Nutrition is the word here.Read on to know about the exact nutrition during pregnancy that you need. It’s not difficult at all to follow a well balanced vegetarian nutrition diet during pregnancy.CalciumAs per the pregnancy nutrition guidelines that are prepared by doctors, your calcium intake at this time should range from 1200-1500 mg daily. Calcium is vital for the healthy growth and development of your baby’s bones, muscles, heart, and teeth. If you do not take adequate calcium, your baby will use your calcium reserves. This increases the risk of osteoporosis in you.Your pregnancy nutrition chart should contain milk and its products. For lactose intolerant women, there are lactose-free milk products, buttermilk, soy milk, or cultured yoghurt. If this doesn’t work, ask your doctor for calcium supplements.ProteinDuring pregnancy, you need about 60 grams of protein daily for the healthy growth of your baby. Besides, it keeps your placenta, uterus, and breasts in a healthy state; it increases the volume of blood, and produces adequate amniotic fluid.IronAccording to the pregnancy nutrition guidelines, iron is important for production of hemoglobin in the mom-to-be and her fetus. Besides this, in the last trimester, your baby takes iron reserves from your body to keep anemia at bay in the first six months of it’s life. Also, you lose a certain amount of blood during delivery. For all these reasons, it’s crucial to increase the intake of iron.Your body needs only 27 mg of iron daily yet you need to take 60 mg because not all ingested iron is absorbed in the body. If you are found to be anemic, it’s good to take pregnancy nutrition supplements of iron.One of the tricks to absorb iron better is to take it with vitamin C enriched foods. Tomato juice, orange, or grapefruit are good options. Avoid taking them with milk, cheese, or other calcium enriched foods, as calcium hampers the absorption of iron.VitaminsPregnancy nutrition guidelines recommend a 25-50 % increase in the intake of vitamins. The requirement of folic acid doubles to 400 micrograms daily at this time. Eating a variety of foods in your pregnancy diet leads to the fulfillment of vitamin requirement.Even if you think that you are taking a nutritious diet during pregnancy, it’s important to have a look at pregnancy nutrition guidelines and read pertinent articles and books.

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Finance Your SRED Claim Now And Take Advantage Of Your Grant Today

Your ability to finance your SRED claim (aka ‘sr&ed claim) simply signifies the cash flowing of your non repayable government grant. We think that anytime you can hasten cash from the government and turn that into immediate cash flow and working capital, well… that is a good thing.SRED grants, (sr&Ed grants) are of course the funds you received from Canada Revenue Agency based on the filing of your Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) claim. These funds have never been more generous and many Canadian business owners and financial managers are not aware that the program even exists, let alone their ability to partake in the billions of dollars of non repayable grants issued by this department within CRA Canada. Essentially it is the largest support for research in Canada. Many clients are always asking us if there are ‘government grants and loans ‘. We are of the opinion that the two best programs in Canada to finance your firm are the federal BIL/CSBF loan and of course the SRED program.Your firm ability to generate a claim immediately turns into a non repayable cash grant. Timing is everything, and you have the ability to finance that claim if you want to monetize those funds and get them working inside your firm. For many early stage and start up firms the ability to finance their SRED claim is often the largest receivable the firm has that year. And the beauty of the program is of course that as along as your firm is a private corporation you can partake in these funds.As companies, and even as consumers we generally use an ‘expert ‘to prepare our taxes and file them. It is certainly no different with SRED and we recommend that you use a sr&Ed consultant to ensure your claim is prepared properly. Naturally using their own expertise, or the governments self assessment tool you want to be sure you are eligible for the grant, given that it takes time to prepare and file the claim.Naturally after filing a professionally prepared claim you are of course entitled to wait for you cheque – that timeframe can be anywhere from a couple of months to potentially close to a year depending on some key factors as your first time filing, and the due diligence that SRED employees do on the technical and financial aspects of your claim.So you are eligible for Sr&Ed. You have filed a claim. You have been made aware you can finance the claim, but you are not sure how. In general the banks in Canada don’t finance these sorts of claims – that’s a general statement, but 99% of the time we are pretty sure we are correct in making that comment. Therefore it is strongly recommended you contact a business financing advisor who specializes in SRED finance. At that point it’s a relatively simply process, and we encourage clients to view it as they would any business financing, from a lease to a loan arrangement. There is standard application information, and the whole process, up to an including funding, can be completed in a manner of weeks.As a general rule it makes sense to finance claims that are over 250k in size, but quite frankly smaller claims can also be financed. There is no challenge to the amount of financing re the size of a SRED filing – Claims well in excess of a million dollars can be easily financed.The key advantage of financing a claim is that you are not undertaking any debt; you are just discounting a receivable that you have – that receivable being the SRED claim itself. The sr&ed filing itself is the actual collateral for the financing – and if you want more good news then you should be aware you don’t makes payments on a SRED claim finance. The funds advanced are netted out from your final chq from the government. Usually SRED claims are financed at 70% of their filed value that leaves a buffer in case part of the claim is downsized when approved.Cash flow is king, if you have a SRED claim be aware that claim is financeable, and your ability to get those fund working again usually puts you in a more competitive stance within your industry, and allows those funds to be used for further research or any general working capital purpose. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced advisor in this area to ensure you are aware of the benefits of sr&Ed finance – claim those funds!

Know Your Identity – Are You a Worshipper Or an Entertainer in the Body of Christ?

Are we experiencing an identity crisis within the Body of Christ? Are we true worshippers of God or are we entertainers for the world? Is it okay to entertain people in order to get their attention about the Word of God? Before I address these questions, I would like to give a definition of worship and entertainment. This will enable us to be able to identify ourselves. Worship is an expression of love and devotion toward our heavenly Father. Entertainment is an activity designed to give people pleasure or relaxation. Entertainment is anything that causes enjoyment. According to both definitions, worship is clearly God-centered and entertainment is man-centered. When we worship, our main focus should be to praise, honor, exalt, and please God. Entertainment is basically an avenue used to amuse or give pleasure to our own flesh and others. Worship and entertainment are direct opponents within the Body of Christ. The worshipper wants to praise and honor God; but, the entertainer wants to be exalted and please others. Which one are you?A true worshipper is a child of God who strives to live a lifestyle of obedience according to the Word of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God is the center of our worship and also orchestrates our worship (1 Corinthians 14:40). Through His Word, we have been given clear instructions on how we should worship Him. A worshipper knows that he or she must be a believer in Christ in order to worship God. A worshipper knows that God is a Spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). All worshippers’ hearts should be focused on pleasing God in their thoughts and their actions. Every worship experience is for the pleasure of God, not for man. Please do not misunderstand; worshipping God should be a joyous occasion for the believer. We can worship Him through musical instruments, song, and prayer. We must learn that emotions are not the main focus or incentive to worship; but God is the center of attention. A true worshipper praises and honors God because He is worthy of all that we have to offer and it is a commandment for His people (Exodus 20:3). True worship keeps us focus on the sovereignty of God and our eternal gratitude for His perfect expression of love for us through Jesus Christ.An entertainer in the Body of Christ is someone who does not understand or does not care that God is the main focus of worship. They have the impression that in order to get people to listen to the gospel; you have to provide entertainment to keep them coming back to church services. An entertainer thinks that they are to “get something out” of worship and feel good during and after the process. The first mistake with this mindset is thinking that worship is about you. The Spirit of the Lord is the author, leader and center of our faith and worship, not the flesh (Colossians 1:16-17). The Word of God does not need the aid of gimmicks or theatrics. Jesus stated that His people will hear His voice and follow His instructions (John 10:27). Entertainment will attract great numbers concerning people in worship services; but, will take the focus off God. When people come to worship services for entertainment, they will always seek the next big gimmick or show. Once they are no longer amused, they will go elsewhere to seek entertainment. Fun and games in worship service will never reach or sustain anyone. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit changes people’ lives (Proverbs 3:5). Entertainment is an event that stimulates our emotions; but, the Spirit of the Lord will sustain and cultivate us in our Christian walk.We have taken a look at the man in the mirror concerning worship and entertainment. Can you see yourself? Are you are worshipper or an entertainer? Hopefully, we have arrived at a truthful answer. Worship is not an entertainment event; but a long-term commitment. The entire life of the believer is a worship experience. We should live our lives as a “light” to a lost world that will continually bring praise and honor to our heavenly Father. Remember, worship is not a short-term event to entertain man; but, a lifetime commitment to the glory of God (Isaiah 26:4).

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